Mastering Typecasting and User Input in Python: A Beginner's Guide

Mastering Typecasting and User Input in Python: A Beginner's Guide

Learn how to handle user input and convert data types effectively in Python with easy-to-follow examples.

Typecasting in Python

Typecasting is converting one data type into another.

Types of Typecasting:

  1. Implicit Typecasting:
    Python automatically converts one data type to another during operations.

     x = 5       # int
     y = 2.5     # float
     result = x + y  # Python converts x to float automatically
     print(result)   # Output: 7.5
  2. Explicit Typecasting:
    You manually convert one type to another using type conversion functions like int(), float(), str(), etc.

     a = "10"         # string
     b = int(a)       # convert to int
     c = b + 5
     print(c)         # Output: 15

Common Functions for Typecasting:

  • int(): Converts to integer.

  • float(): Converts to float.

  • str(): Converts to string.

  • list(): Converts to list.

  • tuple(): Converts to tuple.

  • dict(): Converts to dictionary (from valid structures like a list of tuples).

Example Code:

# Explicit Typecasting Example
x = "100"       # string
y = int(x)      # convert to int
z = float(y)    # convert to float

print(y + 50)   # Output: 150
print(z + 0.5)  # Output: 100.5

Typecasting helps when working with mixed data types.

Taking User Input in Python

In Python, you can take input from the user using the input() function.


variable = input("Your prompt message here: ")

Key Points:

  1. Returns as a String:
    The input() function always returns the input as a string.

     name = input("Enter your name: ")
     print("Hello,", name)


     Enter your name: Safia
     Hello, Safia
  2. Converting Input (Typecasting):
    If you need the input as an integer or float, convert it using int() or float().

     age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
     print("You are", age, "years old.")
  3. Multiple Inputs:
    You can take multiple inputs in one line using split().

     x, y = input("Enter two numbers separated by a space: ").split()
     print("First number:", x)
     print("Second number:", y)
  4. Custom Separators:
    You can take inputs with a specific separator using split() and provide the separator.

     x, y = input("Enter two numbers separated by a comma: ").split(',')
     print("First number:", x)
     print("Second number:", y)


Example 1: Basic Input

name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Welcome, " + name + "!")

Example 2: Taking Numbers as Input

num1 = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
print("Sum is:", num1 + num2)

Example 3: Taking Float Input

height = float(input("Enter your height in meters: "))
print("Your height is:", height)