What is DevOps?
DevOps is a combination of two words, one is Software Development, and the second is Operations.
DevOps is a Methodology
DevOps tools such as Git, Ansible, Docker, Puppet, Jenkins, Chef, Nagios, and Kubernetes.
This allows a single team to handle the entire application lifecycle, from development to testing, deployment, and operations.
DevOps promotes collaboration between Development and Operations team to deploy code to production faster in an automated & repeatable way.
DevOps is nothing but a practice or methodology of making "Developers" and "Operations" folks work together.
DevOps is all about the integration of the operations and development process.
Why DevOps?
Before going further, we need to understand why we need DevOps over other methods.
The operation and development team worked in complete isolation.
After the design-build, the testing and deployment are performed respectively. That's why they consumed more time than actual build cycles.
Without the use of DevOps, the team members are spending a large amount of time on designing, testing, and deploying instead of building the project.
Manual code deployment leads to human errors in production.
DevOps Advantages
Faster Delivery
Continues Delivery
takes less time
less copex + opex