Today's tasks:
Task 1:
Add a Persistent Volume to your Deployment todo app.
Create a Persistent Volume using a file on your node. Template
Create a Persistent Volume Claim that references the Persistent Volume. Template
Update your deployment.yml file to include the Persistent Volume Claim. After Applying pv.yml pvc.yml your deployment file look like this Template
Apply the updated deployment using the command:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
Verify that the Persistent Volume has been added to your Deployment by checking the status of the Pods and Persistent Volumes in your cluster. Use this commands
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pv
⚠️ Don't forget: To apply changes or create files in your Kubernetes deployments, each file must be applied separately. ⚠️
Go To AWS Volumes:
and make sure your Availability Zone is same
create volume
copy this volume id
kubectl get pv
vim pvc.yml
pvc - persistence volume claim
kubectl apply -f pvc.yml
kubectl get pvc
vim deploymentpvc.yml
kubectl apply -f deploypvc.yml
kubectl get pods
Task 2:
Accessing data in the Persistent Volume,
Connect to a Pod in your Deployment using command : `kubectl exec -it -- /bin/bash
Verify that you can access the data stored in the Persistent Volume from within the Pod
kubectl exec -it pvdeploy-f74845446-8n2zc -- /bin/bash
vi testfile
kubectl delete pod pvdeploy-f74845446-8n2zc
kubectl get pods
kubectl exec pvdeploy-f74845446-djzx6 -it -- /bin/bash
cd tmp
Thank you for reading this blog. Hope it helps.
— Safia Khatoon
Happy Learning :)