I can imagine catching up will be tough so take a small breather today and complete the Jenkins CI/CD project from Day 24 and add a documentation.
Did you finish Day 24?
Day 24 will give you an End to End project and adding it to your resume will be a cherry on the top.
take more time, finish the project, add a Documentation, add it to your Resume and post about it today.
Document the process from cloning the repository to adding webhooks, and Deployment, etc. as a README , go through this example
A well written readme file will help others to understand your project and you will understand how to use the project again without any problems.
Go to your GitHub Account
Go To Node-Todo-CICD App
Go to README.md
Write all the processes in the README.md file that have done their day 24 tasks.
Also it's important to keep smaller goals, as its a small task, think of a small Goal you can accomplish.
Write about it using this template
Have small goals and strategies to achieve them, also have a small reward for yourself.
Happy Learning:)
Thank you for reading this blog. Hope it helps.
— Safia Khatoon