Step 1: Install Python
According to you you download any ide basically i install 2 ide You can download any IDE, but I installed two: PyCharm and Replit.. so let’s get start »»
Step 2: Install PyCharm
Step 3: Connect PyCharm and Python
Step 4: Run your first Python program on PyCharm
Right Click And Run Demo
2nd IDE :
- What is a programming language?
A programming language is a way to communicate with a computer. For example, we communicate with each other using languages like Hindi, English, Telugu, Urdu, Marathi, etc., so we can understand one another. Similarly, a computer understands programming languages.
What is Python?
Python is an open-source, platform-independent programming language.
Features of python ?
It is an open-source programming language.
It is free to use.
It is easy to understand.
It is easy to use.
It is platform-independent.
What is python used for?
Using Python, you can work on data science, machine learning, and more. You can also create web applications and do many other things.
Why We Use Replit
Replit is easy to use and makes sharing code with others simple.
Note: REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop)