ls - The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories
pwd - Print working directory command in Linux
cd - Linux command to navigate through directories
mkdir - Command used to create directories in Linux
mv - Move or rename files in Linux
cp - Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux
rm - Delete files or directories
touch - Create blank/empty files
ln - Create symbolic links (shortcuts) to other files
cat - Display file contents on the terminal
clear - Clear the terminal display
echo - Print any text that follows the command
less - Linux command to display paged outputs in the terminal
man - Access manual pages for all Linux commands
uname - Linux command to get basic information about the OS
whoami - Get the active username
tar - Command to extract and compress files in Linux
grep - Search for a string within an output
head - Return the specified number of lines from the top
tail - Return the specified number of lines from the bottom
diff - Find the difference between two files
cmp - Allows you to check if two files are identical
comm - Combines the functionality of diff and cmp
sort - Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting
export - Export environment variables in Linux
zip - Zip files in Linux
unzip - Unzip files in Linux
ssh - Secure Shell command in Linux
service - Linux command to start and stop services
ps - Display active processes
kill and killall - Kill active processes by process ID or name
df - Display disk filesystem information
mount - Mount file systems in Linux
chmod - Command to change file permissions
chown - Command for granting ownership of files or folders
ifconfig - Display network interfaces and IP addresses
traceroute - Trace all the network hops to reach the destination
wget - Direct download files from the internet
ufw - Firewall command
iptables - Base firewall for all other firewall utilities to interface with
apt, pacman, yum, rpm - Package managers depending on the distro
sudo - Command to escalate privileges in Linux
cal - View a command-line calendar
alias - Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands
dd - Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks
whereis - Locate the binary, source, and manual pages for a command
whatis - Find what a command is used for
top - View active processes live with their system usage
useradd and usermod - Add new user or change existing users data
passwd - Create or update passwords for existing users
Git & Github Command
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git config
Usage: git config –global “[name]”
Usage: git config –global “[email address]”
git init
Usage: git init [repository name]
This command is used to start a new repository.
git clone
Usage: git clone [url]
This command is used to obtain a repository from an existing URL.
git add
Usage: git add [file]
This command adds a file to the staging area.
git add *
This command adds one or more to the staging area.
git commit
Usage: git commit -m “[ Type in the commit message]”
This command records or snapshots the file permanently in the version history.
git commit -a
This command commits any files you’ve added with the git add command and also commits any files you’ve changed since then.
git diff
Usage: git diff
This command shows the file differences which are not yet staged.
git diff –staged
This command shows the differences between the files in the staging area and the latest version present.
git diff [first branch] [second branch]
This command shows the differences between the two branches mentioned.
git reset
Usage: git reset [file]
This command unstages the file, but it preserves the file contents.
git reset [commit]
This command undoes all the commits after the specified commit and preserves the changes locally.
git reset –hard [commit]
This command discards all history and goes back to the specified commit.
git status
Usage: git status
This command lists all the files that have to be committed.
git rm
Usage: git rm [file]
This command deletes the file from your working directory and stages the deletion.
git log
Usage: git log
This command is used to list the version history for the current branch.
git log –follow[file]
This command lists version history for a file, including the renaming of files also.
git show
Usage: git show [commit]
This command shows the metadata and content changes of the specified commit.
git tag
Usage: git tag [commitID]
This command is used to give tags to the specified commit.
git branch
Usage: git branch
This command lists all the local branches in the current repository.
git branch [branch name]
This command creates a new branch.
git branch -d [branch name]
This command deletes the feature branch.
git checkout
Usage: git checkout [branch name]
This command is used to switch from one branch to another.
git checkout -b [branch name]
This command creates a new branch and also switches to it.
git merge
git merge [branch name]
This command merges the specified branch’s history into the current branch.
git remote
Usage: git remote add [variable name] [Remote Server Link]
This command is used to connect your local repository to the remote server.
git push
Usage: git push [variable name] master
This command sends the committed changes of master branch to your remote repository.
git push [variable name] [branch]
This command sends the branch commits to your remote repository.
git push –all [variable name]
This command pushes all branches to your remote repository.
git push [variable name] :[branch name]
This command deletes a branch on your remote repository.
git pull
Usage: git pull [Repository Link]
This command fetches and merges changes on the remote server to your working directory.
git stash
Usage: git stash save
This command temporarily stores all the modified tracked files.
git stash pop
This command restores the most recently stashed files.
git stash list
This command lists all stashed changesets.
git stash drop
This command discards the most recently stashed changeset.