PROJECT 1: React_django_demo_app dockerized (python-project)
step1: clone your code from GitHub
Step 2: Check the requirements.txt
Step 3: write the docker file according to project requirements.
step 4: build the image
step 5: run the image and create the container
step 6: go to your AWS security inbound group and enable port 8001
according to your project, you enable your port
this is written in requirements.txt
step 7: and then open a new tab and paste your IP(public) for your instance and then your port according to this picture and finally code is running
PROJECT - 2( node-todo dockerized{java_application})
step1: clone your code
Step2: Check the requirements.txt
step3: write a docker file
step 4: build a docker file
step 5: check the docker images
step6: run the docker image and create the container
step 7: the container is create
step 8: go to your AWS security inbound group and enable port 8000
step 9: and then open a new tab and paste your IP(public) for your instance and then your port according to this picture and finally code is running
project 3: fynd-my-movie (python_app)
step 1: -clone your code
Step2: Check the requirements.txt
step3: write a docker file
step 4: build a docker file
step5: run the docker image and create the container
step 6: the container is created
step 7: and then open a new tab and paste your IP(public) for your instance and then your port according to this picture and finally code is running